Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Blog

I’m starting a new Blog. The last post I made to the old one was July 17, 2009. Time to reinvent myself…. This is where I’m coming from: Escape Time! with KC Heath
And this is where I’m going:

Let It Be
Whispering words of wisdom
To me.

What would Mother say?

The past is poison,
The future’s fractured,
Only the moment matters…

Only the moment matters.

I was sick for over a year, and have spent the last six months getting my strength back. Of course I never stopped reading. Steven Erikson’s Malazan Empire held me in thrall for months. Among other lovely choices as well. But I never stopped writing poetry either. The things are scattered all over my home. Time to start submitting again, though I expect more rejection slips. You see, I don’t “Fit” into any definition anywhere.

I defy definition!
It’s no fun playing inside the box.
If the cost of originality is loneliness,
So be it—
It’s more fun playing outside the box!

An incredible thing happened to me this past spring. I was re-reading Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and doing a first read on Ekhart Tolle’s The Power of Now simultaneously. The very day I took Ms. Cameron’s “Reading Deprivation” as an assignment, I also came down with an infection that had me bedridden for a week. No reading while abed? That was a challenge! Persistence paid off, however. I spent the week zoning out with my iPod, and fell in love with Bon Jovi –LOL. I also learned that reading is an addiction, and have since cut back on it, dipping in only when I admit to myself that I’m avoiding NOW.

“Why dream of heaven, when you could have joy in your arms?” Thom Lane, White Flag

I don’t have “joy in my arms.” Yet—I’m learning to appreciate each day for what it is. If you have also realized that Escaping Time can be a hindrance to really living, please feel free to comment on this Blog. It is my goal to post as frequently as my job will allow. I would love to meet you here!

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